I haven't posted a blog in a long time. Too long.
For those in my inner circle, you'll know that the last twenty months have been a very crazy time in my life. An insanely busy new job in a new city, where I provide guidance to over 100 professionals across several time-zones. Selling our home. Searching for a new home for months on end and losing many bidding wars. Moving twice. The loss of our 17 y.o. cat. Renovating our new home over the last 11 months. Not making time for vacations. And mostly missing my family and friends.
It hasn't left much time or energy for writing.
My current WIP, Johnnie and the Tempest, began in September 2021. It's been over a year and I still don't have a complete first draft. I recently joined a local writer's group that meets once a week. Their encouragement has boosted my productivity, even though I'm nowhere near my previous writing pace.
There are days when I wonder if I should give up. After six novels, I could still feel proud of what I've accomplished. Just give myself a break and quit. Remove another area of my life that feels like utter failure.
Right now, in this moment, I'm choosing to hope that 2023 will get better. That I'll find the elusive secret path to create some level of work-life balance. To find time to enjoy writing and the other happy pursuits I've put on hold.
I'm looking at you 2023. I know we can do this. Are you with me?